Our voting boxes are not filled yet, but we want to celebrate before the Super Bowl. GES students, wear your sports gear this Thursday!

Kindness week is coming up. Students will be recognized if they are caught doing an act of kindness as well.

February Breakfast and Lunch Menus

VIRTUAL EDUCATION DAY - TODAY - January 20, 2025 -
Due to dangerously cold temperatures and wind chills. CCSD2 will have a virtual education day instead of in-person classes. Administrators and staff prepared for virtual learning, so please follow the directions provided by your child’s school for more information regarding the next steps for virtual learning. Stay warm and stay safe!

January Breakfast Menu. Although it says Grant, it is the same for all buildings.

Grant Elementary Families: Save the Date

January lunch menus

GIS Christmas Dress Up Days

There will be a special board meeting tonight December 3rd at 5:30 pm to be held at the CCSD2 central office. Information to be discussed will be reorganization of the board, employee recognition, 2023-2024 audit, personnel recommendations, and then the board will move into executive session.
Thank you for your support.
Casey Tillard, Board Chairman

Donate Blood and Be a Hero!
See the picture below for full details and how to schedule!

December Lunch Menus

CCSD2 Concealed Carry Rule Public Comment

Congratulations to Tara Chandler for being recognized as the 2025 District Teacher of the Year!!

November Lunch Menus

Dear Parents, This morning was quite chilly for our first two recesses. Please ensure your child is dressed warmly for school. Packing a hoodie or coat, hats, gloves, and closed-toed shoes with socks will help keep them comfortable during these cold mornings. Thank you for your cooperation!

PINK OUT at Glenrock Jr/Sr High School!!!!! Thanks Converse County Bank and Glenrock Booster Club!!

October Lunch Menus

Glenrock Jr/Sr High School Homecoming Week Schedule

Grant Elementary School Homecoming Dress-up Schedule

Glenrock Intermediate School Homecoming Dress-up Schedule
Monday 9/16: "Should've Been a Cowboy" (Dress up in Western style)
Tuesday 9/17: "Party in the USA" (Dress up in red, white, and blue)
Wednesday 9/18: "Thrift Shop" (Dress in mismatched clothes)
- GIS will be participating in the homecoming parade again this year! (If your students would
like to ride on the float we will be staged between the playground and the school @ 5:30).
- At 5:50pm we will move to the beginning of the parade route parade begins at 6:00PM
Thursday 9/19: " We Are the Champions" (Dress up in purple)